So. Anxiety dreams most likely film related. Last night, Rory and Stephanie were counting on me for our final performance, the one we couldn't graduate without. I couldn't find the paper with the words I was supposed to say on it. I was going through all my drawers, everything spilled out, nothing.
I couldn't speak.
I could hear the audience grumbling, "she could've just memorized it." Pressure mounting, till I woke up in a panic, saying out loud that I was disappointing the people I am working with and I was gonna keep all of us from graduating.
"But you aren't in school anymore." My lover, now awake from my terrified wimpering.
She's right, I'm not.

There is a scene in the film where Natalie wakes from a nightmare in the dark, with the phrase, "Who are your gods, Loreli?" shuck in her head. Loreli, the name RenĂ©e Vivien gave Natalie in her novel, Une femme m'apparut. Romaine wakes beside Natalie, calms her down. A crack in the Amazon's perfect armor. 
drawing by Romaine Brooks.