Nascent Sketches. 2007

nas·cent adj
1. in the process of emerging, being born, or starting to develop
2. in the process of being created in a reaction medium, often in a highly active form
sketch n
1. a : a rough drawing representing the chief features of an object or scene and often made as a preliminary study b : a tentative draft (as for a literary work)
2. a short written or spoken account that conveys just a general outline or idea

Nascent Sketches is about unconventional families. I believe it is necessary to see more variety in the shapes and configurations we call family. We need to create alternative prototypes. Dispelling myths about and obtaining an intimate view of such families is my goal.
Last summer I traveled to Mount Desert Island, Maine to be with my friends Jessica and Erik who were eight months pregnant. Along with India, Erik’s ten-year old daughter, two dogs and a cat, we lived in a two-room apartment above a garage surrounded by one of the country’s most beautiful national parks. I filmed and sketched everything for those three months: From the mundane routine of eating breakfast to the momentous birth of their baby, Veda.


  1. I want to see this work! And I want you to film me some time - perhaps with the second kid.

  2. Its India! I really like the abstract/realistic way of drawing Veda sleeping.
